We Help You Exude Natural Beauty At First Glance
We are an enterprise that was set up to bring pleasant surprises to flower lovers all around the world. Just like make-ups are primarily to beautify a lady’s face, so also are we primarily committed, with our startling dried flower products, everywhere they are per time, to turn such place into a center of cynosure and an epitome of beauty. On the other side, unlike make-ups, the beauty our dried flowers items conjure is close to eternity, as it takes years before it wanes or fades.
We are committed to providing an extraordinary shopping experience. Our jewelry collection is delicately crafted by experienced artisans. As a leading producer of high quality floral accessories jewelry, we aim at bringing you life’s luxuries at unbeatable prices.Our exceptional selection of floral jewelry makes wonderful keepsake gift idea for any occasion. Each with an invaluable character, our flower lover’ related products is a great way to express individuality.
Locate Us
Flowelry Store is located at 11923 NE Sumner St. STE 685491 Portland, Oregon, 97220, USA.